
🌸【2024新澳彩料免费资料】🌸-康复国际2024年春季执委会在青岛开幕  第1张

This experience of MUNESCO is indeed once in a life time, and I absolutely enjoy it so much. I learn how to socialize with people from different cultures and make friends with them, how to be a leader who can make the whole team stand out as one, how to exchange ideas and getting inspired of all those creative thoughts. When I stood onto the stage and presented as the Finland delegation exuberantly, when all the eyes locked on me, when all the applauses fell on me solely, I felt I belong to the stage and I am destined to be there shining as a ceaseless star.


“无边界”学习空间/🌸【2024新澳彩料免费资料】🌸,是乐成教育的另一个“教育+建筑”融合体现。在双井幼儿园和四合院幼儿园的无边界探索后,乐成公园幼儿园再次将“乐学于无界之境,成长于自然之怀” 引入通州地区。开放且相连的“无边界”学习空间,告别传统教室墙壁阻隔,让孩子在流动的空间中自由且自信的探索、选择和创造,高度满足和激发孩子的好奇心,引导孩子在游戏中探索世界,发展不同领域的核心能力。