In terms of other specifications, there are reports suggesting that the Nothing Phone (2a) Plus will be powered by MediaTek's Dimensity 7350 chipset and will have up to 12GB RAM and 256GB storage capacity. It is also said that the device will support NFC functionality. The phone is expected to come with a large battery capacity of around 5000mAh.
一加12搭载第三代骁龙8移动平台/,辅以LPDDR5X 内存+UFS 4.0闪存,可以带来流畅的使用体验🌸【2024新澳彩免费资料琴棋书画】🌸。该机完整地搭载了新一代超光影影像系统,后置超光影旗舰三主摄像头,包括一颗5000万像素主摄像头,采用索尼光喻LYT-800传感器,一颗6400万像素超光影潜望长焦摄像头以及一颗4800万像素超光影超广角摄像头,可以满足日常多种拍摄需求。并配备5400mAh电池,支持长寿版100W超级闪充以及长寿版50W无线闪充。